Business Credit Report

Get a Business Credit Report
- Know the risk – you’re 15 times more likely to be paid on time by a company with a high credit score, than a low one.
- Better manage your cashflow – quickly assess your customer’s ability to pay.
- Affordable pricing – get a one-off report or save with multiple reports.
- Fast – you’ll receive an email within minutes.
- Confidential report – no need to advise your customers and suppliers.
What a Business Credit Report includes:
- Credit score
- Company information, including previous registered and trading names
- Registration period
- Directors names
- Shareholder names, shareholdings and affiliations, if any
- Credit defaults, insolvencies and judgements, if any
- Credit enquiries
Pay only for the information you need. You can customise your report to include some or all of the following:
- Director’s consumer file (with consent)
- Beneficial Owners Report and corporate family tree to easily understand the company shareholding structure